Online Safety Information

It is becoming increasingly important to keep up to date with online safety information.  Here at Meopham School we want to ensure that pupils and parents understand how to be safe when they are surfing the internet and using social media.

It is vital that pupils understand the dangers that they could face when they are online and how to protect themselves from them. Our aim is to provide our pupils and parents with the tools needed to be able to recognise the potential dangers online. 

If you would like to discuss the content of the online safety section of our website, then please contact our Designated Safeguarding Lead, Mrs R. Clements (email: or by calling the main reception.

Please see our Online Safety Policy on our Safeguarding page here.

Below are some helpful links and documents you may wish to look at for information and advice.

CEOP Safety Centre link

Help if you're worried about 'sextortion' or online blackmail