GCSE Results Day
24th August 2023
We are extremely proud of our year 11 students who are collecting their exam results today. They have shown so much resilience in such extraordinary times and have succeeded in completing their Year 11 with some fantastic results. Of particular note are the following students:
Maddi, who will go on to study A-levels achieved 8's in Mathematics.
Aaron who will go on to study Music achieved a 9 in his Maths and a Distinction * in Music.
Charlotte who achieved 8s in her Maths and Science with the top grade in Business at a Distinction *.
Chloe achieved 9s in Science and Mathematics.
Finlay achieved a 9 in her English Literature and an 8 in her English.
The staff at Meopham wish all of our year 11's the best of luck in their future progression in education, employment or training.