Anti-Bullying Strategies

At Meopham School we define bullying as a behaviour that is:

  • Repeated;
  • Intended to hurt someone either physically or emotionally;
  • Often aimed at certain groups, for example because of race, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

We regularly remind students of the necessity to report bullying of any kind to an adult or through any of the numerous ways listed below.  Students are also told of the distinction between bullying and conflict between friendship groups.
We employ a range of tried and tested anti-bullying strategies including:

Safetext –Posters are displayed around the school with a phone number where students are able to report bullying if they do not have the confidence in speaking to someone face to face. Please be aware that this number is monitored between the hours of 8am and 5pm during term time. It will not be monitored during the school holidays. SAFETEXT 07391377270

Pastoral Support Managers – our dedicated team of Pastoral Support Managers are there to listen, advise and act on any reports of bullying swiftly, liaising with parents of those bullying others and those feeling bullied.

Break and Lunchtime supervision – staff in high visibility jackets are on duty during break and lunchtimes to deal with any issues that are reported to them. We also have Sixth Form students available in high visibility jackets to support and act as mentors.

Student views sought in developing school policies – the voice of the students is paramount if we are to develop strategies to combat things they are experiencing. 

Assemblies – We deliver assemblies on topics which are relevant to our students. These include a focus on bullying, and how to deal with issues. We encourage students to have the courage to speak up, and to stand up for others.  Students are told that if it is not reported then it cannot be dealt with. During anti-bullying week 2021 our key message was ‘one kind word’.

Student Council – Student Council have been consulted over issues related to bullying. We have been proactive in implementing their suggestions.

Restorative Justice - We encourage students to discuss issues they may have with each other, and to learn how to resolve situations through our restorative justice programme.

We firmly believe that the systems that are in place are robust and effective, however all rely on the school being informed of a situation occurring. Students in all instances are encouraged to tell someone if they are experiencing bullying.