Year 6 Transition

We hope the new cohort of Year 7 students are looking forward to joining our school community as much as we are looking forward to welcoming them. We want the move from primary school to Meopham School to be an exciting and positive time for students, but understand that many students and parents will be naturally anxious about this time. Our aim is to ensure that the change is smooth and straightforward for our new students and their families, whatever the context.


This section of our website provides families with the essential information required to prepare for the transition to Meopham School. We look forward to meeting you soon.



Transition Booklet

Below is a 'Transition Booklet' which explains the process of moving from one school to another, in more detail. There is lots of general information included and there are activities you could work through, if you wish.


Meet the staff

As well as your subject teachers, who will support your learning in the classroom, there is a group of staff members who will be helping the new Year 7 to settle into their new school.

Form Tutor

Year 7 will see their form tutor three times per week and the form tutor is the first port of call if there is a question or a problem. Form tutors will make sure new students are settling in and help with the everyday things, especially when students first arrive. Form tutors will monitor attendance, behaviour and rewards, as well as help with any day-to-day concerns. We haven’t allocated tutors just yet, but students will be introduced to their form tutor at the beginning of the school year.

Head of Year 7

The Head of Year will lead around 200 students and assist the tutor team in maintaining high standards of safeguarding, attendance and behaviour. Heads of Year will design and deliver relevant assemblies, encourage a positive ethos through the use of rewards and support pupils with their overall wellbeing and development.

Key Stage 3 Learning Leader

The KS3 Learning Leader is responsible for the academic progress and attainment of years 7, 8 and 9. They support all teachers to ensure students are making expected progress in the classroom and will monitor the outcomes of students at key points during the year. The KS3 Learning Leader can support students and their parents with concerns about their academic progress. 

Team Around the Child (TAC)

TAC are a fantastic team who are available to support students throughout the day. The TAC team are available before school, at break and during lunch near to the school quad. It can get busy at certain times of the day, so we would encourage students to only visit TAC, if they can’t contact their form tutor in the first instance. 

School Houses

Each student will join one of the four houses: Brunel, Holmes, Newton and Redgrave. Students will compete in school and sports competitions under their house colours. Presently, we are liaising with our primary school partners to gather information about our new intake of Year 7 students. This information will be used to decide upon tutor group and house allocations. We do aim to put siblings in the same houses, but we cannot make any guarantees at this moment in time. Further information will be available in July.